Peoria Healthcare Forum

may, 2017

16may9:30 am3:00 pmPeoria Healthcare Forum


Event Details

All are invited to attend the Peoria Healthcare Forum, a day long discussion hosted by the Peoria Healthcare Coalition (PHC).

Our elected officials are invited to *share accountability* on this critical issue, regardless of their particular jurisdiction, because healthcare effects all of us.

We will welcome panelists from throughout Illinois to *focus attention on the state of healthcare* in our community and to discuss social determinants and disparities.

We will welcome the *voices of the people* and what people want and need as we move forward in healthcare.

This all day event will feature a catered lunch and a world cafe’ discussion on *why access to affordable healthcare is critical* to our quality of life.


(Tuesday) 9:30 am - 3:00 pm CST


The Gateway Building

200 NE Water St Peoria, IL 61602


Peoria Healthcare Coalition (PHC)

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