Policy Day at The Capitol

may, 2018

23may9:00 am1:30 pmPolicy Day at The Capitol


Event Details

One out of five children has a diagnosable mental health need. Unfortunately, not every child receives mental health services. Whether this is due to a lack of knowledge about services, difficulties accessing services, or because of the perceived stigma of receiving mental health services, children and families need to know it’s okay and important to seek help. Children’s Mental Health Day At the Capitol will bring together policymakers, mental health providers, advocates, and families to dialogue and exchange ideas on improving healthcare for the state’s children and adolescents.

Registration: 9:00 AM

Panel Discussion: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Lunch Break: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (Not Provided)

Rally: 1:00 PM


(Wednesday) 9:00 am - 1:30 pm


Capitol Building in Springfield, IL

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